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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

[stress in]hEy~ pray for me as my test are coming next week onwards. got to rush project work too. pray dat God will walk with me thru this journey. yeah![stress out]

3/9/05 01:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please pray for my violin exam on wed 7 sep .. thanks

5/9/05 21:35  
Blogger Lady Lazarus said...

"flu-ed when exams are the day after."

how much prayers do you reckon i need?

10/9/05 14:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhhhs! pray that i can do well for the end of year exams(starts 1 mth from now) !! *study study study* .. need preserverance, self discipline to spend more time on studies and not on comp.. XD .. thankews~!`

12/9/05 21:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ben learning violin ?! o.O .. hahas! nice.. okaes, back to point .. help me PUSH for :-
1)Chinese test tomorrow on 14/9/05.
2)Exams that are starting on 1/10/05 onwards.
Thankews.. (".)..

13/9/05 17:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys

do pray for me...i've been going thru' a rough patch with God here...pray that God will see me thru'...thx...

i'm missing you guys already....hahaha

16/9/05 21:34  
Blogger Lady Lazarus said...


awww, you miss us already? we're always gonna pray for you (:

keep us updated!

18/9/05 02:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hEy~~ to all who are having exams.. May the Lord give u strength n wisdom n most importantly, see you thru this period of time.. gAmbAte~~ and for sam.. when the Lord brings u to it, He will see u thru it.. have faith bro.. ^_^v

20/9/05 16:08  
Blogger chimene said...

pls pray fer me... i haf the exams on the 26th of september(eng.)thanx alot!

22/9/05 23:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[to all poly students] c'mon.. almost there.. jia you~ jia you~ jia you~ gonna whack ur ass if u slack around.. wahahaha..

27/9/05 00:05  
Blogger Lady Lazarus said...

I'm really so happy to know you guys are PUSHing all the way.

I am getting weepy, man.

Don't give up, dahlings!
At least a prayer a day keeps the devil away!

27/9/05 00:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys

To those taking your exams, all the best for your exams man! Study hard and most importantly, pray hard...God bless! I'll be praying for you guys...

28/9/05 22:12  
Blogger Sharon Lim said...

Pls pray for me.. I'm having my exams tmrw (eng) and the following monday(chi). Thanks!

6/10/05 18:40  
Blogger Sharon Lim said...

Yo! Pls pray for me.. I'll be having my Exams from Mon onwards, and I can't seem to concentrate on what I need to study.Pray that I'll focus. Thanks!

15/10/05 20:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey punks and babes.. jus to share a vision i received from God weeks back and it came to me again.. this vision shows a big rock in the middle of a rainforest and a grass pasture.. y?? i dunno.. but this rock symbolised the youth.. it shows dat the youth have our own foundation and r contented.. like all scripture said dat water flows out from a rock to quench the thirsty.. but this rock is unbreakable!!! so we must pray dat this rock a.k.a youth be broken so dat people will be saved!! there will be lots of hardwork [duh.. rock wad..] but we must press on!! -danzi signing out

18/10/05 13:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

when the going gets tough, the tough rely on God...haha...juz trust in his unfailing love, he's always there for all of us...for those who are taking their O's soon, all the best! keep pressing on in prayer...may God bless the Youth!

keeping you guys in prayer always...


19/10/05 23:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yoyoyo... take care sam! ! God bless you! ! in relation to the vision leh.. i was reminded alot alot of time for us to take the 1st step instead of having God to do smth in our life.. i was reminded of the passage where Moses was ask to speak to the rock but he broke it instead.. Do we wan God to be like Moses to break our 'rock' violently or do we wan to take the 1st step ourselves?? think carefuly wor.. -danzi signing out

24/10/05 01:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Do pray for me...i've got an important Medical Admissions test next wed and a whole lotta' stuff from school...pray for strength and clarity of mind...and discipline...i've also been ujnder spiritual attack these few days...need prayer for that

And do pray for Sarah, the Enemy's at her again, hard...pray against any attacks and plans of the Enemy, that Sarah will finally experience breakthru' in her spiritual walk...

And finally, God bless all of you!
still missing you guys over here...haha


26/10/05 05:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys,

i really need your prayer on this...i'm battling the Enemy for my mind...and i really need prayer...i want to be finally free in my mind,to be able walk boldly with Christ!Yeah!!

Heard that the youth is growing...Praise God! keep pressing on! praying for you guys always...God is juz so great! May you always walk in his ways, and may his Holy Spirit always be upon you!

Missing you guys always and keeping you in prayer at all times,

11/11/05 07:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys,

my exams are coming up in december and january, and i'm really in the pressure pray for strength, discipline and mental clarity...

Thx a lot!
God bless!

19/11/05 08:11  

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